Make a tax-deductible, online contribution to the Preservation Parks Foundation. Funds will be used in the area of greatest need, unless otherwise specified in the PayPal comment box. For one-time donations:
Preservation Parks Foundation raises funds and awareness to support the goals and objectives of Preservation Parks of Delaware County.
The vision of the Preservation Parks Foundation is to provide resources that enable Preservation Parks of Delaware County to take a leadership role in enriching lives by connecting people to nature.
Every dollar we raise allows the Park District to allocate more funds toward protecting Delaware County’s precious greenspaces and places for all to enjoy. Thank you for helping us protect, restore, and celebrate the places that strengthen our community.
Driven by the need to preserve and expand our parks system, the Preservation Parks Foundation (PPF) was founded in 2018 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds and awareness to support the goals and objectives of Preservation Parks of Delaware County.
The Foundation is dedicated to maintaining and growing programs of the highest quality and excellence that inspire outdoor exploration and learning and preserve the natural and historical features of Delaware County. The Foundation also helps Preservation Parks better leverage tax dollars to raise funds in support of special projects such as the Deer Haven Park Aviary. With Delaware County’s population projected to increase by more than 14 percent in the next 10 years, the ability to secure and conserve accessible public spaces will become ever more challenging. The Foundation seeks to help make lifelong memories for all who visit our parks, whether it’s through a new activity, a day of family fun, an exploration of hidden gems, or an escape from the distractions of the digital world.
Yes. The Preservation Parks Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization as designated by the IRS. Gifts to PPF are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The organization’s tax identification number is 83-2234653. All donations to PPF will directly support the programs, projects and services of Preservation Parks of Delaware County. The Foundation provides individuals, corporations, and foundations with a reliable and effective means to demonstrate philanthropy and invest in an invaluable community resource.
Through its support of Preservation Parks of Delaware County, contributions made though the Foundation will enhance the experience of the more than 500,000 annual visitors who enjoy our wonderful parks system, and for the benefit of all Delaware County residents. Our parks build our community in countless ways that contribute to the social, physical, and mental health of Delaware County.
To make your donation, please click on the Donate Now button in the sidebar, or mail your check made payable to: Preservation Parks Foundation, 2656 Hogback Road, Sunbury, Ohio 43704. Your gift can be unrestricted or designated to help to fund a specific service, program or project. Every gift of any amount makes a difference and furthers PPDC’s efforts to meet our community’s needs.
To learn more about the Foundation, or to find out how you can volunteer for Foundation events and activities, go to or call (740) 524-8600 x 110.
Make a tax-deductible, online contribution to the Preservation Parks Foundation. Funds will be used in the area of greatest need, unless otherwise specified in the PayPal comment box. For one-time donations:
To learn more about how you can get involved:
Joe Pemberton
Vice President
Jerry Beigel
Mike Ringle
Curt Cooper
Immediate Past President
Beth Waldren
Darcy Kaplan
Founding Member
Karie Rittenour
Philip Ulery
Greg Travalio
Mary Van Haaften
Preservation Parks of Delaware County, Executive Director
Bruce Ruhl
Preservation Parks of Delaware County, Commissioner
Preservation Parks Foundation does not provide, sell, or rent email addresses to anyone outside of the organization.
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