By Rich Niccum, Education Services Manager
It is always fun when you can announce new and exciting things. Last week, it was announced that the iconic Delaware County Bicentennial Barn would become part of a future Preservation Park in southern Delaware County. This week, the excitement continued as we welcomed a new addition to Gallant Farm. On Wednesday morning one of the resident ewes at the farm gave birth to a healthy ram lamb. This is the second lamb born on the farm since we started our flock of Tunis sheep a couple of years ago.

As I stood watching the lamb sleeping next to its mother, everything went away, and all seemed good in the world. There is something about baby farm animals that brings out the inner “Awwwwww” in all of us. I secretly hoped that the little guy would get up and start walking around as I wanted to get some photos for our Facebook announcement. However, he seemed pretty content lying next to his mom, keeping warm on what was a very unseasonably, chilly and blustery June afternoon. Since mother and son looked more like a large brownish blob, not making for a good photo, I decided to walk to the farmhouse and come back.
After enjoying time in the farmhouse watching our summer camp kids making butter and enjoying the fruits of their labor I stopped back by the big white barn. The ram lamb was still lying next to his mother, but this time he was awake. He started to nudge his mom, like he was uncomfortable in the position that he was. I selfishly rooted him on to stand up, still wanting to get that adorable shot. I finally figured out that he didn’t want to get up because he was uncomfortable, he was hungry! I grinned when I saw that the mother also realized what he wanted. As they both stood up I finally got the photos I was hoping for. I watched a little longer, entranced by the young lamb and his innocence, as he nursed while his mother stood there chewing some hay, like it was no big deal. I finally left mom and son, but I will be back in weeks to come to see the lamb grow, and romp around the barn yard.

You too can visit Gallant Farm and see our newest addition yourself. Bring family and friends out with you Tuesday through Saturday 10am – 5pm and Sunday 12pm – 5pm. We would love to see you.