Perfect Creek Park Development (Future Park)
Schedule: Ongoing restoration
Location: Perfect Creek Park, Trenton Township (this property is not yet open as a public park)
Click here to see the master concept plans.
Project description: This 478 acre property consists of gently rolling topography, mature woods, two miles of streams, high-quality wetlands, and open grasslands. Major park elements being considered include Perfect-Sandel Farmhouse, Perfect Schoolhouse, archery ranges, police training range, observation areas, extensive trail system, operations/maintenance facility, restored forests, shelters, and restrooms.
Wetland Restoration
In summer of 2022 PPDC was awarded a $400,000 H2Ohio grant to design and construct new treatment wetlands along Perfect Creek and Dry Run, located within an upcoming park. Once constructed, the wetlands will encompass almost 7 acres, filtering sediment and treating both phosphorus and nitrogen, before returning water back to Perfect Creek. The wetlands will restore vital ecological habitat in addition to functioning as stormwater retention. Coldwater Creek Consulting was selected to design and engineer the wetlands. Completed in 2024, these wetlands are regularly monitored for water quality to study the effectiveness of the treatment wetlands.