by Saundra McBrearty

Preservation Parks of Delaware County believes spending time outdoors and keeping active is vital for mental and physical wellness all year round, but especially during the winter months. Therefore, we are excited to offer the Winter 100 program once again, challenging YOU to walk 100 miles or 100 kilometers (62 miles), your preference, between January 1 and March 31, 2022. The Winter 100 aims to inspire you to get moving, enjoy fresh air, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety this winter.
How to Participate:
- Registration begins Monday, December 26. Click HERE to register.
- Walk, hike, skip or run your Winter 100 between January 1 and March 31, 2023.
- Keep track of your distance traveled on foot with your favorite app or use the tracking form provided.
- Join the private Winter 100 Facebook page to connect with and be inspired by other participants.
- Enjoy a bi-weekly Winter 100 e-newsletter filled with winter hiking tips, articles, and opportunities from 21 community partners and our sponsor, Willow Brook.
- Attend Winter 100 meet-ups and have the chance to hike with others as you explore your Preservation Parks.
- Once you have achieved 100 miles or 100 kilometers, submit your log, and claim your award!
Preservation Parks appreciates the collaboration of all our partner organizations. Check out all of our partners on the Winter 100 web page.