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Celebrating Winter 100 Triumphs, Big and Small

By Saundra McBrearty, Outreach and Volunteer Specialist

Bonnie Scholl’s Winter 100 Celebration

The Winter 100 challenge still has three weeks before it ends on March 31. At this point in the challenge, 200 registrants out of 1,400, have completed their distance. Congratulations to all of them!

If you are still in pursuit of your 100, you are not alone. Eighty-five percent of us continue to march toward our goal, and we have the rest of March to accomplish it. Keep marching ahead.

The Winter 100 has motivated many to stay active in all sorts of winter weather, and many have expressed gratitude for this challenge and community. Enjoy some testimonials from those who have completed the Winter 100.

The Winter 100 helped motivate me to get outside, even for a short walk, everyday this winter. Plus, I tried out a few of the other parks. Thank you. – Jerry Corely

Our veterinarian told me to exercise our aging dog everyday. So we set out to complete the Winter 100. Gizmo is back to his healthy self, and so am I. – Stephanie Doellinger

We are new to this area, so it has been fun exploring the different parks. It gets us out of the house and made us find interesting places to hike in the winter. The coldest day we hiked was just 11 degrees, but the sun was shining. – Janet Huber

I met my goal, yay! This has been a great challenge, so I am going to try and make 500 miles by the end of the year! Wish me luck! – Shawna Stambaugh

Thank you for putting on this challenge. It was great to get out and enjoy the different parks, neighborhoods and just being outside. Now that the weather has taken a more “spring” turn, I expect to be out even more. – Steve Cervas

Beautiful clear (but cold) morning with the moon and stars visible. It was quiet until the geese started calling and then all birds seemed to awaken like Spring. I got to witness beautiful colors as the sun rose. It is a beautiful day. -Thom Payne




Started the challenge in the mud, completed the challenge in the mud! Thankful for the frozen snow covered trails in between! -Chris Rankan Lacy




Deer Haven park was muddy, icy or snow covered in places. River was high so couldn’t cross but retracing steps just added more miles. -Debora Pilot Obert


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