By Liz Neroni, Naturalist

I remember running, jumping over rocks and branches, not knowing where my feet would take me. I remember finding holes in the ground and shoving my hand as far as I could to find out if there was anything hiding in the tunnels below. I remember grabbing my net and bucket and collecting as many black tadpoles (American Toad) as I could at the local church pond. I remember countless hours playing “pioneer people” with my friend, picking blackberries and of course “living off the land”. Until my mom would whistle and it was time for me to come home, I lived outside.
I was lucky enough that my parents owned about 2 acres of mostly woods, even though it was surrounded by the suburban lifestyle. Looking back, I never realized how special it was during my youth. This little pocket of natural space was my playground, and not everyone had the same opportunity.
That was over 20 years ago, and our world has definitely changed. I can’t imagine how different my life would be without my exposure to that space. However, I can’t imagine many children having the same chance to play outside and be able to do it safely. Not everyone has access to acreage at home. Some people have restrictions and can only have grass and a few ornamental shrubs around their house. Others simply don’t know that nature can be a playground and are too distracted by video games.
Yet, especially with Covid, people are heading to the parks! In the beginning, it may have been a way to distract the kids or simply escape from the house. However, I think people are realizing the beneficial potential of a day in nature. How magical it can be exploring in a creek, or walking down a trail, or seeing a certain insect for the first time. Discovering it is actually a sanctuary where memories are created.

It is so important that we take advantage of the things nature can offer us. At Shale Hollow Park, we are going to be doing some small updates within the Natural Play Area. With the help of a dedicated group of girl scouts- Allie, Kate, and Marissa- and their awesome parents, we will be adding elements that will allow you to continue learning and playing. As long as weather cooperates, we plan on making the improvements on August 4th in the afternoon. It might not be the best time to visit the park, as its going to be a little busy there and construction will be noisy. However, make sure you stop by the next day and see all the hard work the girls have done to make YOUR playground more memorable.