Located in Trenton Township, northeast of Sunbury, the future Perfect Creek Park is a 478-acre site with long views, beautiful streams, and mature woods. The park gets its name from the scenic Perfect Creek that meanders in the northern portion of the park. Perfect Creek is considered a high-quality stream teeming with salamanders, butterflies, and birds along with a diverse population of plants including sedges, skunk cabbage, and marsh marigold, to name a few.
This future park has numerous restoration improvements planned, many of which have already begun. Efforts started in the former agricultural fields, where drain tiles have been removed to restore the land’s natural hydrology followed by the establishment of 115 acres of prairie habitat, and the planting of over 80,000 native tree seedlings to jump start the reforestation process. A six-acre wetland restoration project, partially funded by the State of Ohio’s H2Ohio program, has been completed along Perfect Creek to reduce sediment, increase stormwater retention, and improve ecological habitat adjacent to the creek.
Public amenities planned for this park include parking areas, trails, restrooms, and a shelter to aid in the access, enjoyment, and comfort of visitors. The extensive trail system will provide a variety of trail types and ways to explore the park, from primitive and gravel trails for hiking and wildlife viewing, to multi-use asphalt trails for those looking for a smooth experience. The Ohio to Erie multiuse trail runs along the southern edge of the park, just across SR 36, creating the potential for a future pedestrian bridge connection to the park.
Scenic overlooks throughout the park will provide visitors with panoramic views along with an opportunity to view the rich plant and animal life that call the park home. The soon to be renovated Perfect Schoolhouse, a one-room schoolhouse built in 1893, will be a key feature of the park, offering numerous opportunities for educational programs and school field trips.
Long-range plans include what will be the last area of the park to be developed, the future Perfect-Sandel Farmhouse, a 65-acre life estate that features several carefully restored historic buildings, horticultural gardens, a pond and walkways. When this future area is opened to the public, it will give visitors a glimpse into Delaware County’s early history with educational programs, a curated museum, and other history-related opportunities. Until then, this area of the park is still private with no public access.
Thanks to your support, this park land was acquired from 2021 to 2024, through a combination of park levy funds and over $1.8 million in grant funding from the Clean Ohio Greenspace Conservation Program.
Perfect Creek Park Concept plan & TENTATIVE Timeline

Tentative Park Implementation Schedule: (Subject to change)
Land Acquisition: 2021-2024
Ecological Restoration- 2022-Present
Park Master Planning: 2024
Perfect Schoohouse- Renovation in 2025, Available for park programming in 2026
Parking and Trails North of Old 3C: Construction in 2026, Open to the public in 2027
Parking, Trails, Shelter and Restroom South of Old 3C: Construction in 2027-2028, Open to the public in 2029 (pending ecological restoration)