The Red Fox Trail, north of Orange Road, is now open* (North Area on the display map below). Walk into this park from the multi-use trail along Orange Road between Orange Friends Church and Bale Kenyon Road. Parking is available off of Orange Road. We look forward to developing this 54 acre site more in the future.

McCammon Creek Park
Overall Plan
McCammon Creek Park – Barn Area and Alum Creek Area, east and west of Bale Kenyon Road, are still in development as restoration takes place. We look forward to adding trails and shelters, renovating the Bicentennial Barn, and building additional amenities to welcome visitors to the park.
Projected Construction Timeline
- North Area Red Fox Trail Opens
- Barn Area Entrance Drive and Parking Lot Construction
- North Area Driveway and Parking Lot Construction
- Barn Construction (Year 1 of 2)
- East Area Drive, Parking, Pedestrian Bridge, Trails
- Barn Area Trail Construction
- Barn Area and Associated Parking (Year 2 of 2)
- Barn Area Restroom Construction
- Barn Area Shelter and Farm Themed Playground
- North Area Restroom Construction
- Barn State and Barn Patio
- Barn Area Canopy Walkway
- North Area Adventure Zone